SXSWEdu Panel

I was lucky enough to get my panel picked for SXSWEdu 2015, which happened this past March (yes, it’s taken me this long to update my website). The panel was called “Game Changers: Tools for Constructivist Learning“, and featured three lovely panelists – Paulo Blikstein from Stanford University, Carlyn Maw from CRASH Space and Pasadena Community College, and Jaymes Dec from Marymount School in New York, the Makery, and Nerdy Derby. I haven’t been able to find video or audio of the session to share here (if you’re reading this and know how I can get a copy – let me know!).

I do however, have a shared folder with slides from the panelist presentations, notes taken during the panel, and Q&A notes from the audience. Here’s the link:

Happy to field replies or questions in the comments.